Friday, June 10, 2011

Some Things We Could All Learn From Blue Jays

Persistence  – They come back looking for what sustains them every day even when nothing was there the day before.
Balanced allocation of resources  – They first put away some of the new found resources before eating any.
Focus – They are not concerned with what others in the vicinity are doing.  It doesn’t matter to them if other birds are in the same tree (even when the others  are fighting amongst themselves).  They  just go about the task of finding what sustains them.
Loyalty – Usually they will have a mate that they travel with.  When one finds food, it calls out to the other to come share the treasure J
I have made the above observations over a period of 5 years. I have been blessed to observe these beautiful creatures  from my back yard almost every day.  I discovered that they love to eat raw peanuts.  So, whenever I see them on the trees in my back yard, I go out there and spread some peanuts for them to enjoy.  I just love watching them. I feel very blessed to share this special connection with them.
Thank you for the wisdom you teach dear ones  :)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Doorway

The Love of God desires to find you and help you as much as you desire to find the Love of God in every aspect of your life.

You have everything that you need at this very moment to create "your" heaven on earth.

You don't need to be prettier. You don't need to be more handsome. You don't need to be taller or shorter, stronger or skinnier. Have blue eyes or brown eyes. You don't have to be smarter ... or be without sin ... for what is sin? It's just a false thought.

You have everything that you need right now to create heaven on your earth.

Open your heart, open your mind to the possibility that it can happen, that it is true because that is where it starts. That is the beginning. Hold on to the feeling. Don't let it go. Engrave it in your memory.

What would it be like if you were good enough at this very moment without having to change one thing. What if you were good enough to create heaven on your earth?

What if? - That question is a doorway. That creates a doorway and when you step through that doorway the Universe is on the other side, waiting to bring you everything you need.

God wants you to have everything you desire.

God wants to find you as much as you want to find God.

Peace, Love, Joy Health, Fulfillment ..... They want to find you as much as you want to find them.

Open The Door ....

And So It Is.